The Davincibles
Saturday @ 11:31 PM | 0 notes

hello, cantik tak gambar ? tu gambar dari video Beautiful Target, Oh My God so cute kannn ? ok, ade orang tag dibah. muahaha, ok lets see his question : 

quetion from : izzati

1. Your full name?
- Adibah Binti Kashful Rahman
2.Your age?
- Soon to be 16 ! I mean, next year will be 16. Now, I'm 15. Young? I know XD
3.Your place?
- Shah Alam
4. Your boyfriend's name.
- Sorry, nobody :)
5. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. Yay or nay?
- Who's them? Lol. Nay.
6. Your favorite song(s).
- Many many many. Too many to make a list. 
7. What type of phone did you use?
- I-phone 3gs
8. Who do you love?
- Allah S.W.T , Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, family, friends.
9. Your favorite blogger and his/her link.
- The one I followed is my favourite. Currently following 23 blogs only. Want me to make a list? Neh ~
10. Facebook or blog or twitter?
- Blog. Dont ask why :)
11. friend or love? which one you must choose? only one.
- Friend because friend is more important in my life :)
ok, ni jer, i tak famous macam you :) haha, anyway thanks hanta tag ni, and weird sebab kenape tanye soalan macm ni ? hmmm,